The Argumentative Essay Lab will guide you through every step of the essay-writing process, including that pesky thesis statement. Essay Lab. We've got the inside scoop on how to impress the socks off admissions folks. First step: nail your college application essay. If you're writing about a specific novel, this is the place to be. We'll pull quotes from the novel to help you craft a killer essay. Get Started. We've got essay writing down to a science. Choose from one of our most popular essay types, or scroll down to see all the Essay Labs we offer. The world contains more essay types than you can shake a No. 2 pencil at, and we've got an Essay Lab for each and every one. Pick the type that suits your needs, and we'll hold your hand while you write. (Not literally, weirdo.) Get Started. Standard Essays. From messy brainstorming to pristine revisions, our Essay Labs will help you create a masterpiece worthy of. handing in to your teacher. Get Started.