07 Dec

mencement of his career was further given. From his ledgers we find that another Copper Plate, a "Stanhope" and a " Goldring Stannope " Press were lent him by Mr. Harrild. This, then, would give Baxter a Plant installation of Five Letterpress Presses and Three Copperplate Presses. With the installation of this plant Baxter in 1838 commenced to produce his Missionary Portraits and other subjects in collaboration with John Snow, placing them on the market as " Pictures," as distinct from book illustrations. The next year, 1839, finds him at work upon his two masterpieces, the Coronation pictures, and in connection with these he was admitted to Buckingham Palace, to complete his portrait of Queen Victoria in her Robes. It was not till 1841 that Baxter had completed these Pictures, the publication of which proved a financial failure, although nothing in Pictorial Colour Printing had ever before been executed to compare with them. The financial failure Baxter attributed "Stanhope Press," from a Wood. cut by George Baxter. 30 Life and Environment to his inability to sufficiently advertise them, although he says large sums had been spent in this way. Baxter for various reasons again decided to change his business premises; consequently we now find his prints bearing the address of 1 1 , Northampton Square. I am again able to give you the date at which Baxter made this removal by means of the following entry in Mr. Robert

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