07 Dec

Forward and backward, to curse Faustus to hell! Re-enter the FRIARS, with bell, book, and candle, for the Dirge. FIRST FRIAR. Come, brethren, lets about our business with good devotion. [They sing.] CURSED BE HE THAT STOLE HIS HOLINESS' MEAT FROM THE TABLE! maledicat Dominus! CURSED BE HE THAT STRUCK [136] HIS HOLINESS A BLOW ON [137] THE FACE! maledicat Dominus! CURSED BE HE THAT STRUCK FRIAR SANDELO A BLOW ON THE PATE! maledicat Dominus! CURSED BE HE THAT DISTURBETH OUR HOLY DIRGE! maledicat Dominus! CURSED BE HE THAT TOOK AWAY HIS HOLINESS' WINE! maledicat Dominus! [MEPHISTOPHILIS and FAUSTUS beat the FRIARS, and fling fire-works among them, and exeunt.] Enter ROBIN and DICK with a cup. DICK. Sirrah Robin, we were best look that your devil can answer the stealing of this same [138] cup, for the Vintner's boy follows us at the hard heels. [139] ROBIN. 'Tis no matter; let him come: an he follow us, I'll so conjure him as he was never conjured in his life, I warrant him. Let me see the cup. DICK. Here 'tis. [Gives the cup to ROBIN.]

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