the theory of hitting it whenever we get a chance." The drink question has an anthropological or social side, a physiological, a moral, a political, an economic and a fiscal. It enters into almost every department of life. It must be studied from all sides. Only when that is done can we hope to get out of the horrible mess into which our present crazy-quilt legislation has brought the matter. Until our newspaper and magazine writers, our public men and our reformers are willing to study the matter thoroughly, admitting scientific men and real students of the drink question, brewers, distillers, wholesalers and retailers or their representatives, into their councils as is done when any other business is studied, though none needs it so much and the people in the trade are given credit for being decent and wanting to do a proper business until that time comes, the only sane thing to do is to enforce existing laws. 149 The Rule of "Not Too Much." In most cases they are adequate at least to maintain order, if honestly enforced, and there is no sense in talking about the abolition of the saloon until some- thing else is offered to take its place. Enforce the laws, and you will have the support of the brewers. There may be a black sheep here and there among them. There is in every trade. But speaking for the brew-