07 Dec

MADONNA, CHILD, AND ST JOHN [Vienna. Museum Alinari photo] [ I 'ilia of Poggio a Cajano TRIBUTE OF CAESAR FRESCO IN GRAND HALL RETURN TO FLORENCE 33 Ottaviano de' Medici, to adorn the walls of the great hall for Leo X. He here painted Caesar receiving tribute, a large fresco full of movement and of vigorous incident, very bright in colour and lively in design. There is a magnificent and very difficult perspective of stairs which ascend to the throne of Caesar, adorned with statues, up which crowd a motely assembly bringing their gifts of strange and Oriental animals. A yellow- coated Indian carries on his head a cage full of parrots, and others follow with Indian goats, lions, giraffes, panthers, wolves, lynxes, apes, all having great merit, and exceedingly well arranged.* The work, though unlike Andrea in composition, is wholly his in its disregard of difficulties and in its ease of drawing. It was left unfinished at the death of the Pope, and so it remained for upwards of fifty years. In 1532 Clement VII. wished Pontormo to complete the fresco, but he let the order slip, and it was not till the time of Ferdinand I., G.D., that anything was done. It was then completed by Allori, and is signed, " Anno

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