and thus depriving those of their fellow-servants 76 FALLS OF THE CAVERY and comrades, whose health has given way, from flying to them for relief before the diseases of India, liver and dysentery, have made a fatal progress. The regulations that maybe required for the attainment of the purpose, will be of course established and carried into execution by the local government. With this precaution, the discovery and set- tlement of the Neilgherries will be an unquali- fied good to the European and East- India com- munities of every presidency ; and it will be for the government at home to determine in what degree it shall be extended to the British troops. I am sure that no man can hear of, or look at the mournful sufferings and returns of two of his Majesty's noble regiments (the 45th and 54th) during the last year, without compassion for the officers and men ; nor without lamenting that there had not been barracks, where one, at least, of these suffering regiments might have gained health and strength upon the Neilgherries, in- stead of being wasted, or as Dr. Baikie well expresses in his reports, " decimated," aye, more than decimated, by disease on the plains below.