07 Dec

reached its completion, and where the youthful friend- ship of two ardent souls immortalised itself in one beautiful fresco. Two of the frescoes in this series are the work of Franciabigio's unaided brush ; they were painted by him during Andrea's absence in France, though it is probable that the designs were at least suggested, if not furnished by del Sarto himself. When the fresco of the Baptism was finished, great honour and glory accrued to Andrea, and offers of work poured in upon him from all sides. There is a picture in the Uffizi Gallery which Biadi says belongs to " his earliest years," t and which is probably his earliest easel picture now remaining. * Questo e quel cortile tanto famoso al mondo, dipinto di chiaro a scuro con tanta eccellenzia, che non e minore e non cede alle pitture di Raffaello, ne di M. Angello, Siccome il detto Andrea patimente non e di minor pregio ma piutosto nella pittura senza piu, come avvisano gli uomini intendente, avanza e 1'uno e 1'altro. Cinelli, Bellezze di Firenze. f " Piu'verdi anui." "Notizie Inedite della vita d' Andrea del Sarto," 1830. 8 ANDREA DEL SARTO In any case, it must pre-date the Scalzo fresco of which we have been speaking. It represents Christ in the form of the gardener appearing to St Mary Magdalen, and was painted for the Eremitani Osservanti, as the monks of St Agostino

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