aided us in our deliberations, and have won from us an ac- knowledgment of that high respect and warm personal esteem always due to the conscientious performance of public duty. Desiring to give you some expression of these sentiments, and to testify our appreciation of your valuable services to the Senate and the country, we take pleasure in tendering you the accompanying set of silver as a memento of our continued friendship and regard. MR. STEVENSON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS BEFORE THE SENATE. ON THE OCCASION OF THE HON. A. E. STEVENSON'S RE- TIREMENT FROM THE VICE PRESIDENCY, MARCH 4, 1897, HE DELIVERED THE FOLLOWING FAREWELL ADDRESS BEFORE THE SENATE, GIVING HIS VIEWS REGARDING THE VICE PRESDENCY. HE SAID IN PART: "Chief among the favors political fortune has bestowed upon me, I count that of having been the associate and known something of the friendship of the men with whom I had so long held official relation in this chamber. To have been the presiding officer of this august body is an honor of which even ADLAI EWING STEVENSON ft the most illustrious citizen might be proud. I am persuaded that no occupant of this chair, during the one hundred and eight years of our constitutional history, ever entered on the discharge of the duties pertaining to this office more deeply impressed with a sense of the responsibilities imposed, or with a higher appreciation of the character and dignity of the great legislative assembly.