07 Dec

thoughts that come as we think of her beneficent life. She was peculiarly yours, at the same time she was ours. She lives in such a rare and beautiful way in what she was to us and what she was for us. Many are the letters telling of the inspiration Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson was when she was our President General. She was loving, kind, patient, courageous, diligent and careful in every detail of every cause that came before her when she was the head of our organization. She was imbued with a deep sense of justice, and also possessed a heart keen to all human sensibilities. To her, administration of justice was a high duty and a human exercise of power. She was ever a thinker and a student, seeking for the truth at all times. She was thorough, keen, tenacious, and her unflinching loyalty won for her the admiration and friend- ship of all with whom she was associated. Daughters felt that Mrs. Stevenson was worthy of their trust. She was considerate, kindly, companionable. She made and kept many close friend- ships, and proved her loyalty by acts of sympathy and helpful- ness. In civic betterment she was a support ; her accurate insight LETITIA GEEEN STEVENSON 2 5 into human nature, her business ability and sound judgment gave her prestige and made her opinions of value in municipal, edu- cational and charitable affairs. No wonder that Mrs. Stevenson was a power ; no wonder that our national and state organization were proud of and loved her, for such examples of womanhood are rare. As she saw chiefly the good in those around her, and as her

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