07 Dec

ment. Go to the bottom of the great questions that will often rise and demand an answer. See that you are well established in Ihe faith, that you 224 A Busy Life. fully understand it, and can make its principles plain. By work in the prayer meeting Sabbath- school and elsewhere acquire all possible "aptness to teach," so that when you enter on official duty you may be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Praying that the richest blessings of a covenant- keeping God may descend and rest upon you, I remain, Yours affectionately, D. A. W. TO A YOUNG MINISTER I. DEAR BROTHER: I see in the papers that you have been ordained to the office of a minister of the gospel and installed as pastor of a congregation of Christian people. I have thought that I could give you some hints in respect to your work which would be valuable to you, and hence I write you at this time. Your work as a preacher is to teach men the gos- pel of the grace of God. You may, on different occasions, give men instruction on other subjects, but this does not belong to your ministerial work.

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