07 Dec

any other method than by absolute and complete prohibition? License is wrong in principle and utterly fails to protect the individual. There is no protection in it. There is some regulation and restriction of the traffic and some money made, which goes a little way to meet the expenses which the traffic causes, but as to its protection in other respects there is nothing in it. Taxation protects only in part. But prohibition strikes at the root of the evil. It does protect. But, so far as I can make out, no other method of dealing with it on the part of the State protects at all, except in the case of license taxation. But here some persons raise an objection. Prohibition, they say, does not prohibit. Men still drink in spite of prohibitory laws. It is ineffective. Well, now, to this I answer, laws against murder, theft and robbery do not suppress these or other crimes. We are constantly reading in the daily papers of murders, and of trespass upon the rights of property, notwithstanding the laws. They do not absolutely abolish the evil, they only diminish trespass upon these rights. Men do not demand the repeal of these laws on the ground that they are 13 194 A Busy Life. inefficient and only diminish the evil instead of

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