07 Dec

direct; the other reflex. The one has its object without, we find it in the Word; the other within, we find it in our own experience. Faith looks to the veracity of the promise r; sense to the fulfillment of the promise. Noah, trusting in the declaration of God, was assured of his safety before the flood came. This was assurance of faith. When the Ark rested securely on Ararat he had assurance of sense. Faith looks to the future good promised; sense, to the present good received. These two kinds of assurance mutually strengthen and help each other. You examine the grant made 166 A Busy Life. of Christ to sinners as recorded in the gospel. You inspect carefully the warrant which the sinner had to believe. You perceive that you have a full and complete warrant to receive Christ as your Saviour, and trust in him to impart to you out of his fulness grace for grace. You do thus receive and rest in him, and exclaim, " Jesus is mine and I am his." You now begin to note the "my's" of the Psalms, and rejoice in their wonderful richness. You trust in him according to the word of promise which he has given you. You rejoice and are exceeding glad. You walk at liberty. In time you find the promises are being fulfilled in your own experience. Thus your faith is strengthened, and the assurance which

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