07 Dec

country. Decree, that the property of emigrants be sold. Many of the constitutional priests sign a recantation of their oaths, and not enough are found to fill the vacant cures. Massacres at Alais, Bourdeaux, Arles, and in other places. 28. Decree, obliging people to mount guard under pain of imprisonment. Three hundred millions of assignats issued. M. d'Espemenil, an ex-constituent, is knocked down and poignarded at the Tuilleries, and with difficulty saves his life. 30. The Marseillois arrive at Paris; ravages and cruelties committed by them. Cockades of ribbands proscribed. Du Hamel massacred in the street of St. Florentin. _Aug_. 3. Decreed, that all Frenchmen be armed with pikes. Invitation to foreigners to come and defend the land of liberty. 5. Massacre at Toulon of nine members of the magistracy, under the pretence of aristocracy. A report is spread about the Tuilleries, that the King intends to escape. 8. Decreed, by a majority of 426 to 224, that there is no ground of accusation against La Fayette. Several members complain of outrages committed on

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