07 Dec

them, on account of votes they had given. 10. Attack and pillage of the palace of the Tuilleries. Massacre of the Swiss, and of a great number of the King's followers. Louis XVI. and his family fly for safety to the assembly. Horrible riots and outrages in Paris. 11. Continuation of frightful outrages and murders. All foreign ambassadors quit France. 12. Roland, Clariere, and Servan, recalled to the ministry. Danton appointed minister of justice. The statues of the King all thrown down. Servan appointed minister of the war department; de Monge, of the marine; Clavieres, of finances; Roland, of the interior; and Le Brun, of foreign affairs. The King and his family are all conducted to the Temple. 14. Several ex-ministers and royalists committed to prison. Decreed, that all the administrations of the kingdom shall be new formed. 15. Persons departing, even with passports, stopped. 17. Establishment of a tribunal for the summary trial of royalists. 18. The Austrians and Prussians enter the French territory.

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