07 Dec

Memories centered about this School House are too many to put into words - too much a part of the various facets of our growth from childhood to the day we gathered together all our books - our pencils and our pens - closed our desk and, for the last time, took our coat from the hook in the cloak room. The belfry no longer houses the bell that rang out the beginning of each school day and called us back to class from recess and the dinner hour. The tone of this bell may not have ranked high among the many cast in that far away day, but we would like to feel that somewhere it still calls children to classes or sounds out the hour for Morning Prayers or Evening Vespers. 54 The Turner Hall The here and now is lost in a maze of nostalgia as we pass the corner where once stood the "Turner Hall". The "Turners' Society" gave to the Village this Building, well equipped as a Gymnasium, with Bowling Alleys - a Stage with Foot Lights and varied sets of painted Scenery - a Dance Floor and a Kitchen with a Dining Area. This "Hall" provided a background for all forms of entertainment - was, so to speak, the center of the Social life of the Village and, to a degree, its Cultural

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