above all others for their strength and vigor the very few giant intellects who have wielded only little Claims of Ihe Bible. 95 less than despotic power. Inquire whence the culture. You find that they derived it mainly from the study of the Bible and its truth. In the school of the Bible were trained Paul, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Cromwell, Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards, Hall, Chalmers, and hundreds of others, before whom the cultivated mind of the world loves to homage. But go to the humble walks of life in the lands of the Bible, where it is revered and studied. How often do you find unlettered men and women, ignor- ant of general literature, ignorant of any science, but such as they have learned from the book of nature, exhibiting a strength of intellect sufficient to grapple with the most abstruse themes; how often do you see them boldly entering realms of thought and discussion, where many a mind boasting its culture, would hesitate to follow? Ask them where they have been trained, what text books they have used, what master has guided them? The Bible has been our school; the Bible our text book; the "spirit of all truth " our teacher, they answer. I argue no further. The study of the Bible is eminently disciplinary. It does produce the most noble and vigorous intellects, the loftiest culture.