07 Dec

precipitately to Rome. 23. Sad recital in the assembly of distresses in St. Domingo. 26. Assignats of five livres are issued. 27. Massacres in the Limousin. 28. Decreed, that soldiers may frequent jacobin societies. _May_ 1. The barriers are thrown open--all duties in the interior parts of the kingdom abolished. Civil war in the Venaissin. 3. The effigy of the pope (sic) burnt in the Palais-Royal. 7. Decree permitting priests, who have not conformed, to officiate in private. Mons. de Massei massacred at Tulle. Decree upon the people of colour. 19. Massacre in the Vivarais. 26. Decreed, that the Louvre and the Tuilleries united shall be the habitation of the King, and that all monuments of science and art shall be collected and kept there. 31. Decreed, that the punishment of death shall be inflicted without torture. From thence came the use of the guillotine;-an instrument of death so called from its author, a member of the national assembly. _June_. Letter of the Abbé Raynal to the assembly.

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