07 Dec

estate, or commons). A considerable number of the clergy follow their example. 28. The King, from a desire of peace, requests the whole body of nobility and clergy to unite in one assembly with the commons; which is acceded to. 29. Great rejoicings in Paris on account of this union. _July_ 11. The King in disgust dismisses Monsieur Necker. 12. The Prince de Lambesc appears at the Tuilleries with an armed party of soldiers. 13. The city of Paris flies to arms. The Bastille is attacked, and taken by the populace; [Illustration: BASTILLE.jpg] 14. Mons. de L'Aulnay, the governor, falls a victim to the fury of the assailants. Bertier, intendant of Paris; Foulon, secretary of state; and de Flesselle, prêvot des Marchands, (somewhat like mayor of Paris) are massacred. From, this period the maxim was adopted, "that insurrection was the most sacred of duties." 15. The King goes to the assembly to confer with it upon the disturbances of Paris. Many considerable persons fly the country. 16. The Marquis de la Fayette, and Monsieur Bailly, are nominated, one to command the national guards of Paris, the other to be mayor of Paris. 17. In hopes of quieting the alarming tumults, the King

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