07 Dec

spirit Avhich Christianity breathes into men. In so far as man takes it into his heart, in so far he is animated, nerved, and controlled by this spirit. 5. Christianity is a Hope. It finds man in des- pair; in so far as he receives, trusts, loves and serves the Christ of Christianity, it fills him with hope. It fills him with hope for himself; hope of an abiding peace with God ; of a useful and honor- able life; of a happy death; and of a glorious immortality. It fills him with hope for his fellow Walking in t/tc Truth. 129 men; hope for the overthrow of the kingdom of darkness, of iniquity, transgression and sin, and for the establishment of the kingdom of light, of peace, of purity and of righteousness ; hope for the speedy coming of the day, when '* All crimes shall cease And ancient frauds shall fail; Returning justice lift aloft her scale, And white-robed innocence descend." Hope for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness ; the coming of the time when the air of heaven, as men breathe it, shall not pass through bodies that have been polluted by sin ; when the food which the earth furnishes shall not be used to pamper the bodies of those who give no thanks to God, and to nourish and strengthen that which

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