to induce the convention to give up the re- publican calendar. 23. Ordered, that the committee of legiflation make a report upon all the laws relative to divorce. 28. Read in the convention the treaty concluded at Bafle between France and Spain. The convention decrees two feftivals, one in honour of the fall of Robefpierre, the other of the i oth of Augufl. K [ i3<^ J 30. Moiif. Querini, aiiibalLidor from Venice, arrives' at Paris. Report of another vidlory obtained over the Spaniards the 17th of this month. A plot difcovered at Rome to open the pri- fons, to put to death the principal perfons of the government, and burn the houfes of the cardinals. A proclamation from Louis XVIII. to all his fubjecls, dated Verona. The chiefs of the royaliil army folicit fuc- cours from the Britiila government. Jug, I. Motion by La Riviere " to purfue with na- tional juftice all execrable terrorifts.'* Comartin, Jarry, Boifgontier, and eight