A woman appears at the bar of the con- vention, furniihed with fcythes, by means of which it was ftated that a woman and child could mow five acres in a day. Ho- nourable mention! Decreed, that the fovereignty of the people is inalienable, and that they have a right to chufc any form of government except royalty. 3. The French are diflodged from their po/i- tion at Wardenberg by the Engliih and Auflrians. The French attack the Britilh rear-gnard. 9. The whole Britilh army paiTes the R.hineo 10. The French army paffes the Waal in diife" rent points at the fame time on the ice, and takes pofTelTion of Thiel. All the rivera of Holland and the Low Countries are frozen over fo as to bear the heaviefl weights, and favour the operations of the French ex- tremely. Cambon dates the number of livres in cir- culation in the form of affignats to amount to 9.6005000,000; and he propofes a lot-^ tery to reduce the number to four milliards (each one thoufand million.) - Mercier makes a bold fpecch in the conven-