Freron and Tallien propofc meafares of mo- deration ; that is, a fyflem oppofite to that of terror. Sept. I. The Emperor threatens to withdraw his troops, if the circles of Germany do not fupport hirn better. The academy of arts and fciences of Paris difcovers a method of making pot-afh from the horfe-chefnut. Bois-le-Duc and Breda inundated. The convention paifes fome decrees favour- able to the emigrants. 5. Rochelle and Montfort denounce the nobles and priefts. 6. An orator of one of the electoral clubs of Paris prefents a petition, which he is unable to read. Bertier acquaints the convention that he has fet at liberty all prifoners in the North un- der 1 5 years of age. The convention receives numerous congra- tulations on the death of Robefpierre. Tallien refigns his feat as member of the committee of public fafety. C ^<=>3 1 Motion of Barrere againft bankers and flockjobbcrs.