leave the more animal food for the fick and aged. A petition from Burgundy demands the death of young Capet. Death of Cardinal de Lomenie du Brienne, one of the earlieft promoters of the revo- lution. St. Jufl makes a motion, the obje£l of which is, to excite the people to murder and ven- geance, for 1 2 GO years of crimes which had been committed againft them. Motion by Danton for an agrarian law, 2^. Report upon La Vendee, It confifts of fixteen departments of forty fquare leagueSg C S7 J between the Loire and the fea, from Paln- boeuf to Saumur. The fifter of Mirabeau is reduced to folicit alms of the convention. March. Several feftions of Paris complain to the convention of a fcarcity of provifions. Decreed, that all the property of priefts, either b^niflied or imprifoned, be confifcated • • for the tife of the ftate. Danton makes a flaming republican fpeech to the convention. All horfes of the plough put in requifition.