07 Dec

9. A bloody battle near Arlon. The French very numerous. General Schroeder forced to retreat, Arlon pillaged by the French, Difcuffion in the convention about a forced loan of a milliard of livres. 12. The Prince of Waldec killed in an attack near Lifle at the head of the Dutch, Severe complaints from moft of the depart- ments about the fitting of the 31ft of May. Saumur and Angers taken by the royalifls, 1 3. Mauifcfto from the Marfeillois to the French republicans againft the convention. 14. The departments of Eure and Calvados de- clare that the convention is not free. The club of jacobins is fhut up at Aix. De-Ferraris, general of artillery, begins to bombard Valenciennes, ThePruiTians open trenches before May ence. Marat returns to the convention after a fortnight's voluntary fufpenfion. 3?lan pf ^ republican conflitution read, [ 59 ] 1 8. The revolutionary tribunal fends "eighteen perfons to the guillotine. General Wimpfer lofes the confidence of the convention, on account of the diforders in Calvados.

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