againft the chiefs of the Mountain. The Englifli take the ifland of Tobago. General Miaczinfki, Corapte d'Arenberg, and le Compte Linanges, fent to the Abbaye at Paris, to anfwer for the fafety of the commiflioners, 12. A long and violent tumult in the conven- tion, becaufe the members come intoxicated. Marat efcapes from prifon, and writes an in- fulting letter to the convention; decree of accufation againfl him. Thirty-five fetftions of Paris demand the de- pofition of Briflbt, and twenty other mem- bers of the convention* Marat remains concealed, but his journal appears every day. Weiffenau is deftroyed by heavy artillery ; Dampierre makes a vigorous refiftance. A battle between Valenciennes and Conde. E 2 T '> '5' [ 5^ 3 The garrifon of Liile makes a powerful fortie. Dumourier is allowed no part in the opera- tions againft France; at Frankfort he pub-