right to eleft their officers. Marat urges this decree, and flrikes in the face feveral of thofe who oppofe it, even in^ the con- vention. 27. The Duke of York arrives at the Hague. The Stadtholder declares he will defend the republic to the lafi:. 28. The Archduke Charles, the Prince of Co- bourg, and Duke of Wurtemburg, arrive at Duren^ The French merchants oiFer to fend fifty privateers to fea. Difcourfe pronounced in the convention by Anacharfjs Cloots, on univerfal fraternity. Riots in Paris at the houfes of the bakers and grocers. BruiTels defires, and obtains an union with France. Revolution in Geneva after the French ex- ample. [ 45 ] The convention encourages addreffes from all quarters on the death of the tyrant. Decreed, that the troops of the line ftiall form but one body with the national guards. All treaties of commerce and alliance, with powers at war, are annulled.