Abbaye. 24. Infurre6lion at Chartres and the neighbour- hood, on account of bread. 25. The King afks of the convention fome Latin books, that he may inftruift his fon himfelf. 26. Addrefs from Finiflerre to the convention, denouncing the deputies Marat, Robefpierre, Danton, Chabot, Barire, and Merlin. Buzot fupports the accufation. 27. Kerfaint propofes to the convention to make a defcent upon England with one hundred D 2 I 36 3 tlioiifand men, and to fjgn an Immortal treaty upon the Tower of London, which fliall fix the deftiny of nations, and confirm hberty for ever to the world. The Belgians proteft againft a decree which trenches on their fovereignty. 30. Decree, charging the municipalities to keep regifters of baptifms, marriages and bury- ings. Dec. I. Pethion quits the mayoralty to become a member of the convention. Chambon is eleded his fuccefifor. Manuel gives up the place of procureur de