12. Defertion of the regiment of Berchini. 13. M. Brival, a deputy, writes to the King to defire that his cane may be reftored to him, which was taken from him at the gate of the Tuilleries, [ 26 3 Abbe Maury elevated to the dignity of an archbifhop, and appointed nuncio extra- ordinary of the holy fee, to the diet of Ra- tifbon. Decree, depriving the brothers of the King of the million vi^hich had been voted to them. Renewal of the decree for the tranfportation of priefls, which the King ftill refufes to fanftion. 1 4. Maflacre of the Abbe Figuemont at Mentz, 1 6. Bavai taken by the Auftrians. 24. Much pains taken to prove the exiftencc of a committee in favour of the Auftrians. 27. Difcontent in Paris on account of the King's having a guard. 28. The King is forced to difmifs it. 29. Marefchal de BriiTac, who commanded the King's guard, fent to prifon at Orleans. 20. The firfl column of the PrufHan army ar- rives at Frankfort. yune 3. A civic fete in honour of M. Simoneau,