is obliged to leave the kingdom precipi- tately. The affembly, having declared the property of the Crown to be that of the nation, grants to the King the fum he required for his civil lift. Sept. Horrid maffacres in the colonies. 0^. 28. Fourteen caftles are burned and plundered in Dauphiny. 30. Outrageous conduft of two regiments at Beforr. Nov. 2. The clergy propofe to raife four millions of iivres in their own body for the exigence of the ftate. The aflembly feizes the whole ecclefraftical revenue, without any refpeft of perfons or property. 13. Pillage of the houfe of the Marflial de Caftries at Paris. 21. Duport-du-Tertre appointed keeper of the feals. 2y. The affembly requires that every ecclefi- aftic, doing duty, fliall fwear to maintain with all his power and intereft the conftitu- tion, and every thing that had been or fliould be ordained by its decrees. ^79'' 7^^^^' The debts of the church decreed to be national.