in promoting it. To secure general and thorough mental culture, much money is expended, great efforts are put forth. This is true in the West as well as in the East; in Illinois no less than in Massachu- setts. We are here founding an institution for the pro- motion of education in its higher departments. And now, at the outset, when our measures are receiving shape and character, it is all-important that the ends proposed, and methods to be employed in such an institution should be well understood. This whole subject we should all carefully consider. This theme, appropriate as it is to the occasion, I cannot now fully discuss. I must very much narrow my range of thought, or very much transgress the limits assigned me. In unfolding " The Claims of the Bible to a place as a text book in the College Curriculum," I shall 6 (81) 82 A Bnsjj Life. bring to view the great principles which most press- ingly demand attention. Elsewhere, and at another time, it might have been necessary, at the outset, to have introduced such considerations as would ward off prejudice and se- cure an unimpassioned hearing. Surely, however, it is not necessary here or at this time of day that a